


Hall for Contemporary Art 5 June — 14 September 2025

The artist Katharina Grosse (born 1961) has been internationally present in the art world for more than 25 years. She is best known for her overwhelming painting installations, which have been shown at MoMA PS1, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Hamburger Bahnhof and Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden, among others.

Using a spray gun and strong acrylic paints, she transforms indoor and outdoor spaces into walk-in color landscapes in which she breaks down the boundaries between two- and three-dimensionality and challenges viewers to revise their viewing and thinking habits.

The walk-in installation WUNDERBILD represents a turning point in the artist's career. For the first time, she consciously works with empty spaces that look like windows and lend the work an architectural character. Painting is used here to mark the interplay between visibility and invisibility and to open up space for her own interpretations and imaginations beyond the visual.

Originally created for the Messepalast of the National Gallery in Prague, Katharina Grosse has adapted the spectacular installation for the Deichtorhallen's 3,000 square meter Hall of Contemporary Art and expanded it with a sound installation specially produced for the exhibition. The work consists of two ceiling-high panels up to 60 meters long, which can be viewed from both sides.

The large-format installation is complemented by a new work that she is developing for the exhibition in the Deichtorhallen as well as individual paintings and a film about her artistic work. Archive material consisting of sketches and studies of her works will also be shown for the first time. Her boundary-breaking works explore the presence of color and reality and explore the question of what it means to experience art directly and to make painting physically tangible.

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