
Transdisciplinary Symposium: Viral Hallucinations – Visual Ecologies of Conspiracy

Transdisciplinary Symposium

The symposium gathers international artists, photographers and researchers to delve into the visual ecologies of disinformation. The examination focuses on how artistic projects address the opaque dynamics of social platforms, and algorithmic tech, and how photographers deal with the interaction of conspiracy narratives and networked visual cultures. What new image types and dynamics are emerging and circulating? What approaches could be used for a systematic and methodological examination of conspiracy-theory imagery from an image-scientific or artistic lens? What potential does the critical artistic appropriation of their narrative and visual mechanisms offer?

An event at the House of Photography, Deichtorhallen. Funded by the Alexander Tutsek-Foundation.

The symposium and the World-Building-Workshop take place on the occasion of the exhibition TACTICS AND MYTHOLOGIES: ANDREA OREJARENA & CALEB STEIN and as part of the event series "Viral Halucinations".

Date: Friday, 13. 09 2024,
9:30 a.m.–6:15 p.m.
Cost: free

Access via Mail to: gramotke[#]deichtorhallen.de

Click here for the entire program and flyer.

(Graphic Concept and Design by MENSCHMACHINE Studio.)

09:30 a.m.:
Dirk Luckow
(Intendant of the Deichtorhallen)
Intro: Nadine Isabelle Henrich
(Curator of the House of Photography) &
Matthias Gründig
(Photo historian)

10–10:30 a.m.:
Wussten Sie schon? Visuelle Strategien als Beweis für Verschwörungstheorien im Internet
Anne Braune-Vásquez
(Photographer, artist, media scientist)

10:45–11:15 a.m.:
Security Theater
Emmanuel Van der Auwera
(Artist and filmmaker)

11:30 a.m.–12 p.m.:
Misogynie als Meme? Gekränkte Männlichkeit und Online-Radikalisierung
Veronika Kracher
(Author, publicist)

12:15–12.45 p.m.:
Panel – Post-Truth-Communities: Die Dynamiken vernetzter Bildkulturen und verschwörungstheoretischer Gruppenidentitäten
Moderation: Malin Schulz
(Deputy Editor-in-Chief
DIE ZEIT) & Nadine Isabelle Henrich
(Curator of the House of Photography)

2–2:30 p.m.:
If a flower bloomed in a dark room, would you trust it?

Ana Zibelnik & Jakob Ganslmeier
(Artist duo)

2:45–3:15 p.m.:
The Glitch in Us: American Glitch and the Visual Cultures of Simulation

Andrea Orejarena & Caleb Stein (Artist duo)

3:30–4 p.m.:
Memetic experience, Conspiracy Theories on the Replacement of Populations

Luis M. Hernandez Aguilar
(Research Associate, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt Oder)

4.15–4.45 p.m.:
Panel – Affective Image Ecologies: Visual Mythologies between Humor and Ideologies

Moderation: Prof. Karen Fromm
(teaches Phototheory, photographic imagery and documentary photography at the Hannover University of Applied Sciences) &
Matthias Gründig
(Photo historian and curator)

5.30–6.15 p.m.:
Live-Performance – TURBO Atlantis: The Latest, Greatest, and Final Truth.

Vanja Smiljanić
(Artist, researcher)