
World-Building-Workshop: Viral Mythologies – Unraveling the Narrative Ecologies of Conspiracy

The free two-day workshop invites artists, photographers, journalists, students, and researchers to explore the narrative structures and techniques of conspiracy theories through an ecosystemic world- building methodology. Participants will investigate how conspiracy narratives evolve, multiply, and mutate within online ecologies, aiming to appropriate these viral storytelling techniques to craft alternative holistic worlds and counter-narratives.

The workshop will be led by Juan Diaz Bohorquez, the European Director of the World Building Institute Berlin/Los Angeles. He is a developer of narrative design and world-building methodologies, which he has applied across films and media, social impact projects, and science-art collaborations for the past 20 years.

Funded by the Alexander Tutsek-Foundation.

The symposium and the World-Building-Workshop take place on the occasion of the exhibition TACTICS AND MYTHOLOGIES: ANDREA OREJARENA & CALEB STEIN and as part of the event series "Viral Halucinations".

Date: 14.09.2024–15.09.2024
11 a.m.–1 p.m.,
2 p.m.–5 p.m

Group: max. 20 participants + 6 invited experts
Cost: free
Language: English

Access: via short application (1 page) to:


Saturday, 14.09.2024

11 a.m.–12 p.m.:
Introduction: World Building Method

12–1 p.m.:
Exploration of the Visual Archive of Conspiracy

1–2 p.m.:
Lunch & Coffee Break

The guided explorations will be a hands on analysis of existing Conspiracy Narratives, their structures, scales and ecologies.

2–3:30 p.m.:
EXPLORATION 1: Scales of Emergent Conspiracy Narratives.

3:30–4:30 p.m.:
EXPLORATION 2: Narrative Ecologies: Patterns and Mutations.

4:30–5 p.m.:
From Conspiracy to Counter-Narratives.

Sunday, 15.09.2024

11 a.m.–1 p.m.:
WORLD BUILDING 1: Mapping Counter-Conspiracy

1–2 p.m.
Lunch & Coffee Break

2–4 p.m.:
WORLD BUILDING 2: World Building Ecosystems of Counter-Conspiracy

4–5 p.m.:
CLOSING SESSION: Building Counter-Conspiracies

Weitere Veranstaltungen

Thu 06. Feb17.00

Cyanotypie-Workshop: Blau Machen

Workshops for adults

Analoger Foto-Ferienkurs für Kinder und Jugendliche von 9 – 14 Jahren

Das fotografische Edeldruckverfahren Cyanotypie lässt uns mit einfachen Mitteln leuchtend blaue Bilder auf Papier oder Stoff produzieren. Wir nutzen für eigene Zeichnungen auf Papier und Pergament allerlei Materialien: von getrockneten Blättern, bis über alte Fotonegative und lichtdurchlässige Gegenstände – fast alles möglich.

Termine: Dienstag und Mittwoch, 17. bis 18. Oktober 2023, jeweils 10–15 Uhr

Kursleitung: Jürgen Straß

Teilnahmebeitrag: 40 Euro, 35 Euro mit Ferienpass

Max. 8 Teilnehmer*innen.

Anmeldung und Informationen: kunstvermittlung@deichtorhallen.de